Some Salvias Grown in Pots… With Comments from Sparoza (Salvia guaranitica, Salvia discolor, Salvia leucantha, Salvia madrensis and others)
by Caroline Harbouri
For the full text of this article see The Mediterranean Garden No 63, January 2011

Salvia guaranitica grows vigorously in the middle
terrace at Sparoza and flowers twice - once in
spring and early summer, then again in autumn.
In summer it receives water every four days or so.

Salvia discolor is a great success at Sparoza. It flowers continuously
throughout the year, even under protective horticultural fleece in
winter (for it is somewhat tender). It receives less water than the
other salvias in the terraces but never wilts. It is happy in positions
where it can cascade down over a wall..

Salvia leucantha starts producing its velvety-textured
flowers in autumn, after the first rains. It is spreading
in the terraces at Sparoza and Sally Razelou is planning
to experiment with it elsewhere in the garden, for
example in the dry phrygana area, to see how it does
with very little water.

Salvia madrensis in all its glory just outside the
walled garden at Sparoza in late autumn. This large
yellow-flowered salvia has handsome crinkled leaves.
It is so
happy in this site, with water once every four
days in summer, that it has become enormous and has
taken up a huge amount of space. It now needs to be
cut back drastically once its flowering is over.
Photographs by Davina Michaelides