The Western Australia Branch of the MGS
Forthcoming Events
For a list of this Branch's Future Events, as well as reports from more recent Past Events, click here.
Past Events
May 2018
Visit to the garden of Riot and Restraint, North Fremantle
A visit to the garden “Riot and Restraint” featured in TMG 92. Morning tea was taken as we wandered around the garden. This was followed by a photo presentation of the highlights of the Southern California AGM and tour. After lunch, we walked past a nearby garden with good colour selection and then back via our local succulent nursery Zerascapes.
Sphinx wrapped by Syzygium austral
Afternoon sunshine in the midst of restraint
There was much interest in a succulent that has grown to about 1.5 metres just near the outdoor shower. It is Kalanchoe ‘Napoléon’s Bonnet’ but is also known as Kalanchoe ‘Shovel Nose’. It is probably Kalanchoe beharensis and goes by the name of Kalanchoe Elephants ear as well. Fortunately, a couple of members took cuttings as a week later it split and fell over so is now about a quarter of the size. I think it needs to be shaped into a tree as it is just too heavy when bushy.
Kalanchoe beharensis
This was followed by a photo presentation of the highlights of the Southern California AGM and tour. After lunch, we walked past a nearby garden with good colour selection and then back via our local succulent nursery Zerascapes where everybody found a new treasure to take home.
October 2017
Inaugural meeting – Zephyranthes Nursery
The Western Australia Branch was formed with support of members, lapsed members and prospective members.