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The MGS Garden at Sparoza Derek Toms was the moving spirit behind the founding of the Mediterranean Garden Society. He was the first to recognise the need for such a Society; after visiting Sparoza and meeting Sally Razelou in 1994, he set in motion the legal process required to register it in Greece. He conceived of and designed the MGS’s journal, The Mediterranean Garden, and co-edited its first four issues. Derek was a modest man of many talents: gardener, teacher, artist and writer. As well as writing the Meditorials in the early issues of TMG, which remain entirely apposite, he contributed witty and trenchant articles to Hortus. His fine drawings illustrated TMG from its inception until illness prevented him from continuing, while his magnificent carved totem pole now stands at Sparoza, looking out over the Spring Garden of Greek bulbs which he designed and constructed. Being much concerned with the environment and man’s place in it, Derek put his ideas into practice and lived a simple, non-acquisitive life in the Mediterranean countries he loved, Turkey and Greece. He faced the neurological disease that led to his premature death with steadfast courage. For more about Derek Toms, see TMG no. 33, dedicated to his memory.
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